
Snow Days (Shuzo Nijimura x Reader)

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Winter had been rough on Shuzo. With the three foot pile of snow layered above ice and sleet accompanied with harsh winds outside his home, he hadn't been able to visit his ill father in the hospital, nor could he visit his younger siblings, who were currently staying with their aunts home for the weekend.

At the very most, Shuzo had to stay inside his home alone waiting for the winds and snow to die down, but it hadn't done so in three full days. What was he supposed to do? He couldn't go out, he didn't have much money, and no one was with him to help.

No matter what shining part he looked for, there was always something blocking the happiness. It just left him in a depressive state. It felt as though nothing could lighten up his dull mood.

The black haired male sighed quietly as he switched the television on to continue on a marathon of Ghibli Studio movies that had been playing recently. He had to admit though, the Ghibli Studios was actually quite a pleasant change to his current extinguished mood.

He had placed himself to sit under a Kotatsu to help warm himself up. But the sound of someone gently knocking on his door caught the males attention. He began to grumble under his breath as he lifted himself up to his feet, complaining how he had just gotten comfy.

Upon opening the door, Shuzo was greeted by a shivering _______. He stared down at the girl in disbelief. She had lived quite a distance away from him, and there had been no sign of anyone driving her to his home.

"She must have walked," He silently thought to himself.

The black haired man quickly moved out of the females way, allowing her to come into his home. He watched as she peeled off her jacket, still shivering profusely. Though she had the warmest smile plastered on her face.

Shuzo quickly the door from behind her before he gently flicked her forehead. "Why did you come all the way out here? You live an hour away by foot," He stated as his hands gently rested themselves on his hips.

"You weren't answering m-my calls! I was worried about you!" ________ exclaimed with the sweetest, yet childish tone in her voice.

He then let out a soft sigh before guiding the female up the stairs to the bathroom. "Take a hot shower, I'll put some clothes you can wear in my room. I'll be downstairs," He explained, gently brushing some of the snow out of her hair.

The female nodded to the taller male before she gently shoved him out of the bathroom so she may hurry into the shower. She had turned on the shower head, soon feeling the warm steam of the water caressing her body as she stripped out of the clothing that had clung to her cold skin.

Meanwhile, Shuzo had gathered a simple, yet comfortable outfit that his classmate could wear. Once he set it gently on the bed, he had made his way down the stairs and back to where his Kotatsu called for him. He had readjusted himself back into his comfortable place, watching as sweet music and animations danced on the screen of his television.

Within a small while, Shuzo had finally snapped out of his trance when the movie finally ended. He realized that _______ wasn't with him. It was troubling that she took so long.

The black haired male stood up from his place as he began to silently make his way up the nearby stairs. When he had reached the top step, he noticed his dear friend sitting on his bed, wearing clothing different from what he had laid out and looking at an old photo-album that he kept under his bed.

Shuzo walked into the room before clearing his throat to get the attention of the female. Instantly, she had jumped right up and slammed the album shut in embarrassment.

He began walking towards her, sighing aloud as he gently picked up the photo-album, but his eyes soon wondered straight to her chest when he noticed the shirt his friend had been wearing. It was his basketball jersey from when he was in Teiko.

"Wh-Why are you wearing that?!" He nearly screamed from embarrassment.

_______ had jumped back in surprise, holding her hand over her chest. "W-Well, I know this meant a lot to you, and I wanted to wear it to see how it felt. I can feel all the happiness and struggles you've faced in this. It's....comforting," She explained quietly.

Though when her eyes traveled up to the face of the male, she noticed the bright pink aura on his cheeks as his sharp eyes continued to stare down at her.

"A-Alright. You can wear it, but at least come downstairs.... I can tell you about these pictures if you want," The dark-haired male mumbled quietly.

Once the two had gone downstairs, the two had huddled together under the Kotatsu. With the photo-album on the table, Shuzo would explain the pictures from the ones of him as a baby, to his siblings as babies, to him in Teiko, and all the way to that day. It was so heart warming to see a family so close to each other.

A soft sigh then escaped the lips of the female as her head rested on the males shoulder. "I wish I had such a loving family. I mean, no one in my family is really close, and most of the time, my father can't say 'good morning' without lying twice," She explained, imagining just how much her family despised one another.

But instead of hearing the usual words such as, "Oh your family loves you," or something of the sort, she instead felt a muscular arm wrap around her shoulder.

"Well, you're always welcome here as family," Shuzo spoke.

Though just as he said that, the front door of his house had flung open, followed by multiple footsteps. In came the parents and younger siblings of Shuzo.

When they had come in, the younger boy and girl came in yelling for their older brothers attention while his parents had bright smiles on their faces as they watched their two small children wanting to see their brother.

But just as soon at the two teens turned to look at their family, Shuzo's father let out a booming chuckle as he said aloud, "Shuzo! You never told us you had a girlfriend! Come on, let me meet my future daughter-n-law!"
So, I love Nijimura a LOT, so I needed to write one out. Sadly, this kinda took longer than I thought it would! 
© 2016 - 2024 Okami-WolfGod
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c00ki3KAT's avatar
Awww! I love this!